UX Designers need a LOT of patience
“Your designs are only like powerpoint slides!”
“I don’t want to see all these images. I want to be able to enter anything I want. It has to be the real product.”
“What’s the point in going through all these flows? I just want to be able to interact with it on my own.”

Patience and empathy, I whisper to myself.
I understand that UX is a new practice to some people and do not see how we’re supposed to plan things before building.
Does anybody just build a house from scratch without architecture and construction planning? Will you be able to cook a dish without knowing the recipe, just take pot shots and it will be edible? No, right???
For people who want to transition to, or take UX design as a career — please be prepared to deal with all sorts of people. Pack a lot of patience with you; some, you may have to handhold like teaching a five year old how to use a computer. Some, you will have to sound like a broken record if that’s what it took to make them understand.
We should be the first advocates to solve the problem, not worsen it. If clients/stakeholders do not understand, we also do UX improvement within ourselves in a way they will appreciate this process.