Seeing UX Strategy like video games

I want to begin this post by saying that I get my inspiration from video games.
How so?
TL/DR version: no one strategy works for all products/services.
Let me introduce this boss character from Code Vein: Invading Executioner.
The first time I encounter her, I got defeated. I now ask myself why. Next fight, I studied her moveset. But I didn’t capture all of her moves and ended up defeated again. Rinse, repeat.

So, I took a pause and looked at my character’s build, then figure out how I can protect myself better and what techniques I can use to defeat the boss. It seems that this boss doesn’t always perform the same order of skills executed, which adds to the challenge. Either way, I realized that those skills will always get used — how frequently? Doesn’t matter. I should be prepared anyway.
Eventually, I was able to defeat the boss. Now I move forward to the next part of the story and encounter another boss. Same thing, I can’t use the same build that I have because this boss has different stats and moveset.
Why am I rambling about this for UX?
Think of customers/end-users as the boss. They are all different people from different backgrounds.
Take the time to know them, what their problems are, and what they’re hoping to achieve. We can’t just come in there and assume that a solution we did in the past will work on all of them. There is a lot of trial and error. Nobody comes in perfect and knows the solution right away. We come in and show a proposal, it gets turned down, update it, show it again, and refine until we have come to an agreement.