Recognize that luck was part of the success.

A lot of people would preach about doing this, that, etc., which sort of makes other think it’s the recipe for success.
I have heard of others doing so much effort but still not getting what they think they deserve.
Why is that?
Let’s not forget what you call a “stroke of luck”.
There are many things out of our direct control.
Sometimes, you suddenly get you want without even doing much. You think you don’t deserve it — guess what, you are the lucky winner and you just happened to get it. Be thankful! However, the steps that you took to achieve that moment, will not be the same for another person.
I see some people getting upset after doing the same thing but did not get results. See, you need to pave your own path. We define our own successes. We have our own lives, so whatever others did don’t mean you can get the same “success”.
Only you can determine what success means to you. It helps to listen to others who found their success, but take it with a grain of salt.
Remember, for each day that we wake up alive — is always a chance to make the dream a reality!